Newham Primary School, Coimadai Primary School and Trentham Primary School are set to expand their outside of school hours care with funding from the state government.
Last week, Education Minister Natalie Hutchins announced 121 schools would share in $17 million worth of grants to establish new or broadened out side school hours care services.
“By creating more outside school hours care services, we’re helping parents and carers to get back to work, study, or training – while ensuring their kids are cared for before and after school hours, as well as during school holidays,” Ms Hutchins said.
“These grants will provide a huge benefit to our schools and busy working families across the state.”
The schools will receive up to $75,000 each year over the next two years for the service, with special schools and those in remote locations to receive more funding if they need it.
Not only will the funding help expand services to meet demand, it will provide support for costs including resources or equipment, set up and administration, staffing, training and transport.
The investment is part of the government’s $81.7 million Outside School Hours Care Establishment Grants Initiative, with a further funding round to take place next year to bring the total number of schools to benefit to more than 400.