Men’s Shed Week celebration

Woodend Men's Shed president Kevin Davis with members Tony, Bob, Ray, Bill, Dave, Andy, Colin, Bob and Paul. (Damjan Janevski) 294825_01

Men’s Sheds across Sunbury and the Macedon Ranges are vital places of connection and community.

The Woodend Men’s Shed (WMS) is joining the groups across the country celebrating Men’s Shed Week, from September 4 to 10.

According to the Australian Men’s Shed Association, the week is an annual opportunity to showcase the work of Men’s Sheds, highlighting to government, corporate partners, media and the community the contribution they make.

This year, their motto is ‘a global village, doing local good’, and WMS president Kevin Davis said it’s been proved men’s sheds play an important role in improving men’s health, wellbeing and positive engagement.

“A men’s shed provides a safe and friendly environment where males can gather together to work on meaningful projects in the company of other men, or simply have a cuppa and a chat with a mate,” Mr Davis said.

The Woodend Shedders meet on Mondays and Wednesdays from 9am to 1pm, to work on a range of interesting projects.

“Recent community activities have included manufacture of a range of wildlife nesting boxes, construction of a stage setting for the Mount Players, seating and play structures for Woodend Playgroup and Woodend Neighbourhood House and planter boxes for the Woodend Petanque Club,” Mr Davis said.

“Members also undertake personal projects, such as furniture restoration, wood turning and picture framing.”

The shed is inviting all community members to drop in and see what they do on their meeting days during Men’s Shed Week, at 988 Blackforest Drive (the old sawmill site).

Membership is open to men over 18 years old.

Details: 0491 141 084 or

Elsie Lange