Melbourne Cup on tour

Anna Marsh Quigley, Samantha Strano, Jo Shanon and Melbourne Cup Winning Jockey Glen Boss at the launch of the Lexus Melbourne Cup Tour. (Supplied: VRC)

The Melbourne Cup will be coming to Lancefield as part of the 2024 Lexus Melbourne Cup Tour.

The $750,000 18-carat-gold trophy will visit 39 destinations across the globe as part of the tour, with the final route spanning six countries including Australia, Japan, USA, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and Ireland.

The tour will stop in Lancefield on October 17, with St Mary’s Primary School planning a range of community events.

St Mary’s Primary School community liaison leader Jo Shannon said the school is looking forward to being part of this year’s tour.

“Lancefield has a strong horse and riding community and we look forward to celebrating that in October when the Lexus Melbourne Cup Tour visits. The students of St Mary’s Primary School are particularly excited about having such a prestigious event and the 2024 Lexus Melbourne Cup attend their little regional school,“ she said.

Lancefield will also be part of the Lexus Melbourne Cup Tour National Sweep, in which 24 rural and regional cup tour destinations across Australia be allocated a barrier for the 2024 Lexus Melbourne Cup.

Representatives from each of the 24 destinations will be flown to Melbourne to watch the Lexus Melbourne Cup live on track at Flemington Racecourse and the town which draws the barrier of the winning horse will be presented with a cash prize of $50,000 to put towards a charity of their choice.

This year’s tour commenced on Friday, May 31 in Tokyo.