Mediator back above ground station

Artist's impression of the Airport Rail. (supplied)

By Gerald Lynch

A mediator has the Melbourne Airport Rail Link station be built above ground.

Mediator Neil Scales, who was appointed to determine whether a resolution is possible between the state government and the operator of Melbourne Airport as to the location of the station, reported that the rail link project remains viable and necessary, and is well backed by all parties.

His report made three main recommendations, including that the federal and state government proceed with works at Sunshine Station to transform it into a major transport hub and capitalise on the early works already completed for the Melbourne Airport Rail Link.

Funding for upgraded capacity at Sunshine Station would be formally considered once costs and scope are finalised, federal Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Minister Catherine King said in a statement.

The report recommended against further federal and state consideration of an underground option at this time.

The third recommendation was that refreshed modelling work should be undertaken on the timeline for capacity of Tullamarine Freeway.

Should Australia Pacific Airports Melbourne (APAM) wish to progress with the option of an underground station, Mr Scales recommended that they produce a suitable and comprehensive business case and let key stakeholders review the plan.

A spokesperson for the Melbourne Airport said it remained consistent in its view that an underground station at the airport is the right solution for the traveller, the airport and the city.

“Melbourne Airport was working in good faith with the Victorian government on its preferred above ground station until it abandoned negotiations in April 2023 and referred the project to the Federal Infrastructure Review.

“We look forward to working with the Commonwealth and state governments to leverage existing business cases that resulted in world class underground stations … that is work we are prepared to revisit in anticipation of an approval of Melbourne Airport’s Third Runway.

Speaking on ABC Melbourne radio on June 28, Ms King said the federal and state governments would need to see a business case from Melbourne Airport if it still believed an underground station was the only viable option.