Making changes for climate action

Reducing energy consumption with Dr Vince Mulkerin from the Riddles Creek Action Group. (Damjan Janevski) 325890_01

Riddells Creek Neighbourhood House will host a free afternoon tea and presentation on running an energy efficient home on Sunday, May 7.

Macedon Ranges council and Riddells Creek Neighbourhood House have partnered together to deliver local community-led initiative Cool Changes to help residents learn how to reduce their energy bills.

The event will take place from 1.30pm to 4pm at Riddells Creek Neighbourhood House, with bookings essential.

Heather McNaught from Cool Changes said the initiative began in 2022 when Macedon Ranges council and Riddells Creek neighbourhood house came together to work on climate change solutions.

“[Together they] co-design[ed] a community driven consultation process to empower residents to identify and develop solutions to climate change priorities facing the town,” she said.

The afternoon tea will include a presentation from ecoMason ways to run an energy efficient home, with about 60 per cent of household energy consumption coming from heating and cooling needs.

ecoMaster co-founder Maurice Beinat will be offering expert tips and advice on effective and affordable solutions for homeowners on how to make the most of their home’s energy usage.

Ms McNaught said anyone can participate in the initiative and they encouraged residents to get involved in climate action.

“Cool Changes Riddells Creek aims to encourage everyone to act locally, but think globally on climate change and its effects on our current and future lives,” she said.

“Anyone can get involved [and]…join any or all of the four main project teams.”

The group’s Community Climate Action Plan outlines a foundational value of the plan is to be a “connected community” with an overarching goals of “reducing emissions”, with actions including community-owned solar farms and a Walking School Bus.


Zoe Moffatt