Maintenance blitz for Macedon school

Photo by Melissa Walker Horn (Unsplash)

Zoe Moffatt

Gisborne Primary School will receive a share of $7.8 million for maintenance updates.

Education Minister Natalie Hutchins announced the funding on Monday, February 6, as part of the state government’s term one planned maintenance program aimed at high-priority maintenance needs across the state.

“Our record investment in school infrastructure is delivering high quality classrooms for our hard-working principals, teachers and staff, while delivering better learning experiences for the students that rely on them,” she said.

Macedon MP Mary-Anne Thomas said the latest round of funding means schools can receive the maintenance repairs they need.

“This latest round of [the] program means we’re delivering the repairs and maintenance our local school needs, to deliver the better learning experiences our local kids deserve,” Ms Thomas said.

Within the funding, $2.3 million will go towards maintaining buildings at 17 schools which can serve as temporary shelter during a bushfire.

“From a fresh coat of paint in classrooms to ensuring crucial emergency shelters are in good condition, this latest maintenance blitz will ensure all Victorian students have safe and modern learning spaces,” Ms Hutchins said.