Twelve young people from across the Macedon Ranges have helped create the council’s new youth strategy.
The residents, aged 16 to 21, worked with council officers to develop the draft strategy, which will guide council’s youth services in coming years.
Known as Elevate, the strategy is aimed at focusing on the voices and desires of young people in the community.
The young residents who helped develop the strategy conducted a number of consultation sessions with their peers before finalising the plan.
Mayor Jennifer Anderson said Elevate outlined how the council would work with young people, parents, schools, workplaces and service providers to improve the health and wellbeing of young people in the Macedon Ranges.
“Close to 1000 people shared their experiences through a range of activities, and all were facilitated by young people,” she said.
“This has been a unique partnership between council and young community members … we’re so proud of the work of our young co-designers in putting this strategy together.”
The draft strategy is out for community consultation until July 29.
Details: mrsc.vic.gov.au/yoursay