Macedon Ranges residents say ‘yes’

Macedon Ranges for Yes group (Damjan Janevski). 349049_01

A Macedon Ranges group supporting the Voice to Parliament has recently formed and is showing its support for the campaign across the community.

Macedon Ranges for Yes joined the nationwide Yes23 movement in June to facilitate conversations about the proposal in local communities.

Group co-ordinator Michael Langley said it is important to get out and have discussions ahead of the vote, which is yet to have a set date.

“We all feel passionately about the importance of the Voice as being a small first step in the reconciliation with the first peoples of this continent,” Mr Langley said.

“It is important to get out and have discussions to counteract the misinformation and disinformation that is being put out.”

Mr Langley said the Voice is a question of the heart and is about who we are as Australians.

“Are we going to continue doing what we’ve always done and ignore the expertise of first nations people and think we know best?” he said.

“Unless a Voice is enshrined in the Constitution then we will just continue to pay lip service … and the gap in living standards, life expectancy, health and education will continue to grow.

“Your vote is important, your democratic responsibility is important, take the time to find out what it’s all about, [and] think about where the information you read or hear is coming from.”

Macedon Ranges for Yes will be working in local communities over the next few months at markets, street stalls, railway stations and information sessions.


Zoe Moffatt