Macedon Ranges residents rally against planning protections

Macedon Ranges Residents Association has called a public meeting as outrage over the state government’s draft Localised Planning Statement continues.

The association is calling on residents to fill the Gisborne Mechanics Institute on Tuesday, February 13, at 7.30pm “to send a clear and loud message” to the state government that its draft statement is “not acceptable”.

Another residents group, A Forum for Democratic Renewal, has been hosting similar sessions across the shire “to ensure people are well informed” about the draft statement, according to group member Rob Bakes.

The draft Macedon Ranges Localised Planning Statement, which will complement new legislation to provide greater protection against “inappropriate development” in Victoria’s iconic areas, was released by the state government for public comment in December.

The next state government community consultation sessions and A Forum for Democratic Renewal forums are being held at Woodend Community Centre on February 6, and at Romsey Community Centre on February 8.

For details and to submit feedback on the draft statement visit For details on the residents group forums visit