Macedon Ranges Regional Sports Hub ‘on track’

Consultation with local sporting groups about a future Macedon Ranges Regional Sports Hub is well underway.

Project consultants Otium Planning Group, appointed by Macedon Ranges council, last week met with representatives from local sports clubs to discuss a vision for the future indoor sports courts.

Macedon Ranges Regional Sports Hub spokesperson Megan Condron said an Indoor Sports Reference Group that included members from local volleyball, netball, futsal, basketball, squash and badminton groups had been meeting with Otium Planning Group.

“It’s a work in progress but it’s coming on track,” she said.

Ms Condron said the reference group was trying to get more sports, such as dance and calisthenics, involved as well.

“We’re too big for [the hub] to just be a tin shed for a couple of sports,” she said.

The spokesperson said the group wanted to ensure that the hub would be a facility that the whole Macedon Ranges region could access.

Otium Planning Group will continue to meet with stakeholders to develop the shared vision for the hub.

The project consultants have been employed by Macedon Ranges council using the $100,000 provided by the federal government for a feasibility study for the regional sports hub.

A draft feasibility study is expected to be released for public comment in January or February.