Macedon Ranges council invite asset plan input

Elsie Lange

Macedon Ranges council wants the community’s say on its draft asset plan, accepting online, written or in-person feedback until May 10.

Council manages $964 million worth of assets on behalf of residents including buildings, roads, bridges, kerbs and gutter, footpaths, cycling tracks, recreation assets and open space, as well as technology, stormwater and flood management, and plant, fleet and equipment.

A statement from council said under the Victorian Local Government Act 2020, it must “produce and maintain a 10-year asset plan” and ensure the community has input into strategies and policies for their assets.

Council’s acting assets and operations director Meaghan McNamara said the draft plan is vital in planning for the future.

“It is important we have a clear strategic framework and long-term vision regarding the management of community assets to ensure our long-term sustainability and the continuity of services being delivered to the community,” Ms McNamara said.

Council said the aim of the asset plan is threefold, including to provide an ongoing commitment to service planning, provide a strategic and financial view of how assets will be managed, and address all aspects of asset management.

The draft plan can be viewed online or picked up at any of council’s service centres in Kyneton, Gisborne, Romsey or Woodend.

Feedback can be provided online, in-person at customer service centres, by phone or email.

Contact 5422 0333 or, or head to