Macedon Ranges council goes live online

The community satisfaction survey showed residents want better sealed roads.

Macedon Ranges residents can now watch council meetings from the comfort of their homes.

Starting from this week’s meeting, on Wednesday, October 25, Macedon Ranges council meetings will be live streamed to the internet.

Recordings of the meetings will be uploaded to the council’s website within 48 hours of each meeting and agenda items will be bookmarked so residents can choose to view discussion of certain issues only.

Mayor Jennifer Anderson said the move was an excellent way of increasing transparency about council decisions.

“It gives anyone with an internet-enabled device access to the way we debate issues and make decisions,” Cr Anderson said.

“This convenience and flexibility is important, particularly when work and family commitments make it hard for residents to attend meetings.

“It’s also a great way for ratepayers living outside the shire to stay up to date with local issues.”

The recording will aim to avoid coverage of the public gallery. But sounds from members of the public during the meetings will be recorded.

The live streams and video archives will be located at