Macedon Ranges burning off restrictions lifted

A temporary burn-off exemption will be introduced in the Macedon Ranges throughout October.

A temporary burn-off exemption will be introduced in the Macedon Ranges throughout October, to help landowners prepare their properties ahead of the upcoming fire season.

In an announcement on September 8, Macedon Ranges council said it will allow registered open-air burns on land 4000 square metres or less without a permit for the month of October.

In consultation with local CFA brigades, council said it will give landowners ample time to clear their property and minimise fire risk before the official fire danger period starts.

Chief executive Bernie O’Sullivan encouraged landowners and residents to take advantage of the exemption to better protect their own properties and the shire in the event of a fire.

“It is vital that we all work together to avoid complacency and prepare as best we can amid an often unpredictable, ever-changing climate,” he said

“Council officers will be continuing our annual program of targeted mowing, slashing and roadside weed management as the weather starts to warm up.”

To assist in the clean up, green waste disposal is free at council resource recovery facilities for ratepayers and tenants in the Macedon Ranges.

Residents are also encouraged to make use of their food organics garden organics bin, which is collected weekly.

If burning off, landowners or residents must monitor weather conditions before starting any fire and must register their burn by calling 1800 668 511.

From November 1, burning-off restrictions will revert back to the requirements.
