Macedon MP Mary-Anne Thomas reflects on a year of challenges

Macedon MP Mary-Anne Thomas. (Supplied)

2021 has been an exceptional year – from the pandemic to wild storms, our community has faced

these challenges together.

It’s been a privilege to serve the Macedon community through this period and I’m glad to meet with

locals face-to-face once again and discuss the issues that matter most to them.

It’s been fantastic to visit our local markets, sporting events and businesses to support those who’ve

done it tough during the pandemic. I’m excited to do more of this next year.

It’s also been great to visit other regional communities in my capacity as Minister for Agriculture and

Regional Development to hear from Victorians about their hopes for 2022.

My hopes for 2022 are simple.

I hope there’s less Zoom meetings and more coffee catchups in our fantastic local Cafes.

I hope we reconnect with our family and friends who we missed so much during the pandemic.

And I hope our young people have the 2022 they’ve been waiting for.

Our local students, teachers and parents have shown such perseverance through 2021 and I wish

them all the best in their primary, secondary, TAFE and university studies in the new year.

As Macedon and our region returns to covid-normal this summer I look forward to supporting our

local businesses and seeing them bustling with activity from visitors and locals alike.

2022 needs more laughter, more time with loved ones and more opportunities for our community to


I look forward to continuing our work for the Macedon community in 2022 and helping to realise our

hopes for the region into the future.