Macedon fence fiesta

Macedon Tennis Club fence fiesta (Supplied).

Zoe Moffatt

Surrounded by paella and gin cocktails, Macedon Tennis Club members raised their glasses to celebrate the completion of an almost $150,000 upgrade to its fences.

The clubs fence fiesta was held at the start of the month and brought an end to the club’s battle for new fences.

Club president Liz O’Connell spoke to Macedon Ranges council last year about the ‘dangerous fences,’ which she said were rusted and coming undone.

“Fence wire sticks out everywhere including at ground and eye level … we had a dangerous incident involving a child slipping and piercing their eye,” she told council at the time.

Ms O’Connell said it was a two-year process to get the fences fixed, which included tapping into the club’s own savings.

Macedon Ranges council also contributed $80,000, Bendigo Bank contributed $20,000, Tennis Australia contributed $15,000 and the GREAT Association contributed $7500.

“It’s an incredible feeling and they look amazing … but most importantly, they’re safe. Hopefully [they] will last another 50 years like the last ones,” Ms O’Connell said.

“We’ve also instituted a new ‘book a court’ system so members of public as well as our own members can book to come [and use the courts].

“So with all the new visitors coming up for the autumn festival, they can now book and pay to come in [with] the new lock system which is on the new fences.”

Ms O’Connell said the fact that council and the community is investing in making sure that the facilities are new and safe demonstrates how important tennis is to the community.

“It demonstrates … that tennis and just exercise and activity in general is a really important part of the Macedon Ranges.

“We’re trying to attract a whole lot of new members and we hope that you know, the fences and our renovated clubhouse- which was done a couple of years ago- will attract [people].”