Local support for shed

Riddells Creek Men's Shed member Frank Cassar, treasurer James Coy, Riddells Creek Nursery human resources manager Kirsti Edmunds, Riddells Creek Men's Shed secretary Don Clark and president Chris Butterley. (Damjan Janevski). 428597_01

Riddells Creek Nursery hosted a barbeque fundraiser, donating all funds raised to the Riddells Creek Men’s Shed to assist it in building a new shed.

The funds raised will go towards the Riddells Creek Men’s Shed’s consolidated revenue and the associated costs of building a new shed.

The nursery bought the sausages and provided the cooking equipment for the fundraiser, which raised about $420 for the shed.

Riddells Creek Men’s Shed secretary Don Clark said that the group received the news last month from Riddells Creek Nursery human resources manager Kirsti Edmunds, who told them they “don’t have to do anything”.

“We really appreciate [them] for thinking of us and giving us the opportunity to be a recipient of the fundraising activities,” Mr Clark said.

“We haven’t had a shed through various reasons – we’ve been evicted from the shed we originally had and we’re in the process of … being able to build a new shed … [so] any funds we are able to get would be most appreciated,” he said.

Mr Clark said that members of the men’s shed attended the event, enjoying “quite a nice morning” and having a coffee together.

He said that the group hopes to find a new location for the men’s shed on crown land, which would open up funding and grant opportunities.

Oscar Parry