Life in limbo continues

Sukhdeep Kaur, daughter Ravneet Kaur, 20, and Jaswinder Singh (Damjan Janevski). 340494_04

The fate of a Sunbury family facing deportation continues to hang in the balance, following a two-month visa extension.

For the Kaur and Singh family, their job, education, and life in Australia depends on ministerial intervention and the decision of Immigration Minister Andrew Giles.

Sukhdeep Kaur said while the family is relieved they have been granted an extension, they are still in the dark.

“It’s a little bit relieving … it’s a relief that we can unpack our bags but we are still in the dark … the situation is still the same,” Mrs Kaur said.

“It’s really hard to live on extension … every minute, every second our mind is playing over what could happen to us.

“I hope they look at our case again because the time is very short … we want relief from our stress.”

Mrs Kaur said the family is very grateful for the support and to everyone who has signed the almost 20,000-signature petition.

“We are very grateful for everyone helping … we are really grateful from the core of our heart,” she said.

“We have plans to stay here permanently … we want to settle our life here, to buy a house, to educate our children.

“We love our friends, our work colleagues, it’s really hard to leave all of that.”

With the extension set to end on September 5, Mrs Kaur said they are hoping to receive good news everyday.

Zoe Moffatt