Lend a hand in Lancefield

Lancefield Neighbourhood House is on the hunt for new volunteers. (Supplied)

Lancefield Neighbourhood House (LNH) is on the hunt for more volunteers to run its community enterprise facility.

LNH launched ‘The Townhouse’ to provide a range of services free of charge to the community.

These services include a community nursery, printing and faxing, regional information guides, as well as the sales of local products.

LNH co-ordinator Vivien Philpotts said anyone wishing to lend a hand is welcome.

“It’s really about being there for people who come in to answer their questions,” Ms Philpotts said.

“We try to step up to be a community and visitor resource centre, by providing flyers and information about what’s going on locally.”

As well as The Townhouse, LNH is also responsible for facilitating the monthly Lancefield Farmer’s Market and Lancefield Men’s Shed.

Ms Philpotts said the organisation is always looking for more help in their various enterprises.

“Overall, volunteering is really good for your health,” she said.

“But the main thing people get out of it is the social side of it, you make some great friends. You also get to contribute to a service for the whole community.”

Details: admin@lancefieldhouse.org.au

Oliver Lees