Lambs leap into kindness

2023 Be Kind to Animals Week ambassadors orphaned lamb twins Heathrow and Honduras with Visitor Experience Officer Daniel Lacey (supplied).

Lancefield animal sanctuary Edgar’s Mission is jumping into its 13th annual Be Kind to Animals Week from 1 to 7 October, with orphaned lamb twins ambassadors, Heathrow and Honduras.

The not-for-profit is calling on animal lovers to take the kindness pledge, which can include plant-based meals, committing a random act of kindness, or choosing products that don’t include or test on animals.

Founder Pam Ahern said participants will get free kindness tips and delicious recipes, plus the chance to win a hamper full of ethical and awesome goodies.

“This special week is a time to reflect on the importance of being kind to all animals, and how simple acts of kindness can have an enormous impact,” she said.

“If you’ve ever given a dog a belly rub while their tail wags happily… it is a wonderful reminder that all animals want, need and deserve our kindness, no matter what form they’ve taken.”

Ms Ahern said while Heathrow and Honduras may be small in size, they make up for it with their cheeky personalities.

“Once feeding time is completed, playtime swiftly begins. Heathrow and Honduras could well be mistaken for small children for the gleeful and wanton abandon with which they undertake the task.”

Edgar’s Mission is currently home to 412 rescued residents, but Ms Ahern points out you don’t need to open a sanctuary to create a kinder world.

“It is through our daily choices – what we choose to buy or not buy, to eat and not eat, that can really make a difference for animals.

“You could also volunteer or donate to your favourite animal charity, leave water out for wildlife, or organise an outdoor clean up”.
