Kyneton’s Clear Cut collection

'Clear Cut' showcases a broad range of prints created using traditional methods (Rhain DiPilla)

Oscar Parry

The Old Auction House in Kyneton is hosting a group exhibition called ‘Clear Cut’, showcasing a series of traditional printmaking works.

The exhibition features linocut, etched, and monoprinted works, with many of the prints focussing on Australian landscapes and animals.

Traditional printmaking differs from modern printmaking in that designs are hand processed rather than reproduced using electronic printing methods

To make the prints, traditional printmaking artists cut, etch, and carve designs which are then transferred using ink.

Printing can be repeated several times, with each print considered an original artwork called an ‘impression’.

The Old Auction House owner and gallery director Rhain DiPilla said traditional printmaking is a unique medium and process.

“It’s a medium that allows you to make copies of each work and each copy is still unique – it’s not sort of a photocopy where each one is exactly the same,” DiPilla said.

“[It is] very hands-on – you’re involved with every step of the process. You have to design it, you then have to carve it or etch it in, you then have to print it … you’re quite involved as an artist”.

Many of the prints at the Clear Cut exhibition also feature colourful hand-painted elements.

“A lot of works in this exhibition are hand coloured – so they’ve printed the base layers and then come back and coloured over the top or painted,” DiPilla said.

DiPilla said that many of the works featured are from local artists, emphasising Kyneton’s strong art scene.

“It’s a really good artistic community,” she said.

Held at the Old Auction House, 52-56 Mollison Street, Kyneton, the exhibition will run until Saturday, July 29.
