Kyneton toys rehomed

Residents can visit the playgroups and toy libraries page to find out more about local playgroups and toy libraries (Unsplash).

The Kyneton and Districts toy library has successfully relocated ensuring local families will be able to continue lending quality toys.

Macedon Ranges council worked closely with the toy library committee to find a suitable alternative location, after its former home was handed back to the state government.

The toy library, which is now located at 127 High Street in Kyneton, is open from 10-11am on Saturdays and its transition is supported with a $3000 grant from council’s small project grants.

Macedon Ranges mayor Annette Death said the council had been working with the toy library committee to find other accommodation options and to ensure a smooth move.

“We’re really pleased for the toy library to have a new dedicated space, which we hope will make it easier for their volunteers to run sessions and manage toys,” she said.

“Thank you to the Kyneton and Districts toy library committee members… on the relocation and new fit-out and thank you also to the council staff involved on this positive outcome.”

The toy library’s move follows the other remaining tenant, council’s maternal child and health service, moving to Kyneton health’s ambulatory care centre in February this year.

To help celebrate the reopening of the toy library at its new location, an open day was held on Saturday, November 25.

The day included activities, such as face painting, a roving musician and a sausage sizzle.
