The new president of Kyneton Rotary Club is already part of the club’s lore.
The club’s presidency was handed over to Ken Porter – by his wife and business partner Shirley Porter – earlier this month.
The handover marked the first time the leadership role had stayed within one family at the 50-year-old Kyneton club.
It’s not Mr Porter’s first term as president, making him the second club leader to serve in the role more than once.
Mr Porter, who has been a Rotarian for 16 years, said there had been many highlights.
The proprietor of Porters Mechanical Repairs said he dedicated his time to the club to give something back to his community.
“If you operate a business in the area, I think you are obligated to give something back to your community.”
Kyneton Rotary Club supports local, national and international projects and events, and provides service to the local area.
“We welcome new members, both men and women, seeking fellowship and the opportunity to make a difference,” he said.
“Kyneton is a busy club and members can choose a level of involvement that suits their family and business commitments and lifestyles.”
Anyone interested in joining the club should visit www.kynetonrotary.org.au.