Kyneton grassfire under control

A grassfire on a section of the Calder Freeway in Kyneton is currently under control, with one tanker visiting the site this morning to ensure there are no hot spots at the scene. (Unsplash).

A grassfire on a section of the Calder Freeway in Kyneton is currently under control, with one tanker visiting the site on Sunday morning to ensure there are no hot spots at the scene.

The fire started on a section of the freeway between Trio and Edgecombe roads, with VicEmergency issuing a ‘watch and act’ warning on Saturday night.

VicEmergency provided an update shortly after, advising local residents that the threat level was reduced.

According to a CFA spokesperson, the fire was initially reported at 5.56pm on Saturday and was attended by 32 CFA resources and put under control at 6.39pm.