Kicking goals in Kyneton

Kyneton District Soccer Club president Ron Cole, Macedon MP Mary-Anne Thomas, Macedon Ranges mayor Annette Death and council chief executive Bernie O'Sullivan (supplied).

Barkly Square’s surface playing issues have been drained away thanks to a million dollar makeover.

Kyneton District Soccer Club, Kyneton Obedience Dog Club and Kyneton Smallbore Rifle Club members are expected to be able to use the new playing surface in February 2024, once the turf has been established.

Macedon MP Mary-Anne Thomas joined Macedon Ranges mayor Annette Death and other representatives to inspect the ground in late November, which marked the $1.26 million project’s completion.

The ground’s drainage issues had previously made it prone to waterlogging, which resulted in events often needing to be cancelled or relocated.

Works included stripping and re-graded the ground, while also installing new irrigation and drainage systems, along with a synthetic cricket pitch and soccer goals.

Kyneton District Soccer Club president Ron Cole said the club has managed to continue to grow its numbers and is excited for what the future holds.

“The big benefit for our club is that we’re going to be able to train and play throughout the year without having to worry about moving,” he said.

“That makes it more enjoyable and beneficial for everyone involved.”

Ms Thomas said she is thrilled the Rangers now have access to appropriate facilities they deserve.

“These upgraded facilities will make it easier for locals of all ages and skill levels to get involved in local sport and recreation,” she said.

“[This includes enjoying] the health and wellbeing benefits of leading an active lifestyle.”

The Barkly Square Master Plan was identified as a key project by Macedon Ranges council and the works were funded by almost $756,000 from council and $500,000 from the state government.

The master plan also proposes to build a new pavilion to replace the current ageing changeroom facilities, and council will continue the planning and design work on this aspect.