Kicking goals in Gisborne

Gisborne Auskick coordinator Bec Donnan with some of the participants (Damian Janevski). 407165_03

Gisborne Auskick is off to a flying start, with 160 Auskick players registered for this year’s season.

The 2024 season kicked off on May 4, and the group closed registrations on May 13, with its record breaking registration numbers.

Bec Donnan runs Gisborne Auskick with a fellow parent and said they decided to close the registration for safety and management, as the sessions are run by volunteers.

“We were just watching the [registration] numbers climb and we couldn’t believe it… this year and last year we had 121 registrations,” Ms Donnan said.

“We’re so happy, it makes us so happy to see kids out on a Saturday morning, learning new skills and social skills.

“I think [the growth] is coming a lot from the schools, I think a lot of kids talk about it at school… they love it.”

Ms Donnan said the sessions are open to kids between the ages of four and 12 years old, as long as they turn five by the end of the year.

Parents are encouraged to be present for the session, which runs between 9.30am and 10.30am on Saturday.

“[At the session] we have a quick warm up and chat with kids about what they liked in the previous week,” Ms Donnan said.

“We go through three activities [including] football and motor skills. Then we play some games on the mini ovals with about 28 kids [in each game].

“We have some amazing volunteers who take them through the game.”


Zoe Moffatt