Keep on top of hearing loss

Sunbury audiologist Stacey Meaney. Pic: Marco De Luca

By Jessica Micallef

Sunbury residents need to listen out for their hearing.

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics and Access Economics, an estimated 6000 Sunbury residents have an undiagnosed hearing loss.

Specsavers Sunbury audiologist Stacey Meaney said there were many preventative measures that everyone can take to look after their hearing.

“Use hearing protection when mowing the lawn or working on a noisy job site and keep the volume down when listening to music through headphones,” she said.

“Don’t use cotton buds to clean your ears and seek medical treatment when you have a suspected ear infection or sudden change in hearing.”

As part of Hearing Awareness Week (March 3-9), Ms Meaney is encouraging “all Sunbury residents to come in to Specsavers Sunbury to get a free 15 minute hearing check”.