Indented parking proposal

Hume will investigate requiring planning permits for multi-unit developments and subdivisions to include the provision of indented parking. (Unsplash).

Oscar Parry

Hume council will investigate requiring planning permit applications for multi-unit developments and subdivisions in established suburbs to include indented car parking.

Speaking at the August 12 council meeting, councillor Sam Misho said a regular complaint heard from residents was the deficiency of on-street parking in Hume.

“Technically, planning scheme rates for car parking are being satisfied; however the number of cars now required to service multi-bedroom units creates … flow-on additional pressure for on-street car parking in already packed streets,” Cr Misho said.

“I believe that to ensure appropriate access to car parking in our existing residential suburbs, it would be appropriate to apply conditions to planning permits for multi-unit development or subdivisions requiring the provision of indented parking.”

He said the requirement for planning permit applications to provide additional indented parking would not be suitable in all circumstances, but would be balanced.

“I think this will overcome many of the issues we [face] sometimes when we have developments … with perhaps two or three bedrooms, and we have one single car park with tandem parking at the back,” Cr Misho said.

Councillor Jarrod Bell said increased indented parking in Hume’s residential streets would help make them safer and more accessible.

“By increasing the proliferation of indented parking, it does seek to make roads safer – particularly things like bus routes, and of course, emergency service egress and ingress,” Cr Bell said.

“I’ve driven a heavy rescue truck through many streets which have been perfectly approved … and … sometimes I am having to slow right down and pull the mirrors in to get my rescue truck through.”

Council officers will investigate the appropriate circumstances for this planning permit requirement to apply.