Icy tales of Macedon Ranges’ cold snap

Photo: Damien Kremmen via Macedon Ranges weather

As winter slides to the halfway mark this week the cold weather is turning the Macedon Ranges into a white wonderland.

July temperatures have fallen well below zero degrees, with the first weekend of July particularly icy.

On the morning of July 1, Lancefield’s private weather station recorded -7 degrees, Woodend’s station reported -6.4 degrees and Kyneton’s just -5.4 degrees.

Kyneton CFA issued a severe frost warning on Facebook, urging drivers to beware of black ice.

Locals also took to social media to share their icy tales, with many saying their car thermometers were reading as low as -8 degrees.

Resident Michele Wansink witnessed the effects of a burst water main on Barringo Road in New Gisborne just before 8am on July 1.

The burst main produced a spectacular scene as the water that escaped from the pipe formed icicles on nearby trees.

Residents in Lancefield, Romsey, Woodend and Gisborne woke to find they had no running water because of frozen pipes.

The winter snap reportedly froze over ponds, dams and even a dog’s water dish.