Hume launches winter lights festival

Hume's Winter Lights Festival launch (Katrina Ferguson).

Hume council has kicked off this year’s winter lights festival in Melbourne’s CBD with a range of performances, including internationally renowned DJ Havana Brown.

The festival launched for its second year on June 6, at the Southern Cross Footbridge, with festival entertainment encouraging Melburnians to head north for the event on June 17.

With the festival attracting more than 5000 people last year, Hume mayor Joseph Haweil said the event brings together first class arts and culture.

“We’ve shown Melburnians today that they can come, stay and play in Hume while enjoying a wonderful part of the world just 15 kilometres from Melbourne’s CBD,” Cr Haweil said.

“This festival is a major part of rebuilding Melbourne’s north… by bringing together a first-class event of arts and culture that will keep driving people back to Hume City for years to come.

“You do not get to see Melbourne’s suburbs at a world class, international standard, punching above its weight in the heart of Melbourne’s north.”

The launch event included; Havana Brown, local musician Ceeko, traditional visual artist Oznur Ates, a backdrop of drummers and a fire performance.

Council said the festival will feature projections on surrounding buildings, an ice rink, live entertainment, fireworks display and mulled wine to round out the winter experience.

Backed by a $150,000 grant from the state government’s Suburban Revitalisation Project, council said the event is a festival for all Victorians and will provide a boost to the local economy.


Zoe Moffatt