Hume council unveils 2024-25 budget

Hume council unveiled their 2024-25 draft budget (Unsplash).

Oscar Parry

Upgrades to the Sunbury Aquatic Leisure Centre and new netball courts and a running track at Eric Boardman Reserve were two highlights for Sunbury residents in Hume council’s 2024-25 draft budget.

The proposed budget includes an average rate rise of 2.7 per cent in line with the state government’s rating cap.

For residents, this equates to an average rate rise of about $45.21 cents.

All but one councilor expressed approval of the draft, which included a capital works program of $154.82.

Cr Jack Medcraft said that while budgets are “never popular” with people and rates is a word that “scares” people, the draft included some notable projects for Sunbury residents.

These include a $3 million upgrade to the water play area and surrounding space at the Sunbury Aquatic Leisure Centre, and $1.13 million towards new netball courts and an athletics track at the Eric Boardman Memorial Reserve.

“It’s one of the best budgets I think I’ve seen in all my time on council,” Cr Medcraft said.

Council is proposing to fund 11 community ideas, including four in Sunbury, as part of its draft budget. Council accepted community budget submissions between December and February, with residents putting forward 75 ideas.

Cr Jarrod Bell said it was a “testament to the hard work of the Sunbury Neighbourhood House and their community” to see that $90,000 was allocated towards improvements of the neighbourhood house.

Cr Bell was also glad to see improvements towards the Sunbury BMX track included in recommendations, where a new shelter will be built.

Both projects were submitted by the community.

Cr Jim Overend voted against the draft budget, saying that the average rate increase for residents was excessive when current cost of living pressures are considered.

“Whilst our current residents are experiencing the cost of living stresses … out in the community, and the uncertainty with what’s happening with our future at the moment – it’s because of this that I cannot support a budget that will increase the council rates by 2.75 per cent,” he said.

Residents are encouraged to read the draft budget and provide feedback by June 11.
