Hume council funds care package


By Laura Michell

Families, businesses and sporting clubs struggling with the financial impact of COVID-19 will receive a helping hand from Hume council.

As part of the second stage of the council’s coronavirus stimulus package, councillors last week approved $250,000 to create and distribute food and essential goods packages to families in need.

The packages will be distributed by local charities and organisations.

The council will also not charge interest on unpaid rates until December 31.

Businesses can apply for a share in $1 million in quick response support grants for small to medium businesses; while sporting clubs can apply for grants for up to $5000 to cover their operating costs.

Cr Joseph Haweil said the coronavirus had taken a financial and psychological toll on the community.

“Council understands that many residents are experiencing financial hardship during these difficult times,” he said.

“Our local economy has also taken a big hit and the weeks and months ahead will be challenging for everybody.

“I know these measures will support many families to put food on the table and will support local businesses to remain viable – and perhaps even to grow – and will also assist to help connect people in this time of need.”

Cr Drew Jessop described the COVID-19 pandemic as a “humanitarian crisis”, which was affecting everyone in the community.

He said the council’s stimulus package was designed to support those who were “most affected”:

“We have asked ourselves ‘Who is most affected?? Who can we best support?’… let us see how we can best support our community during testing times,” he said.

“I have the sense this is just the start of what we are going to have to do to support our community over an extended period of time, and I think we are well-positioned to be able to do that.”