Helping men stand together

Macedon Ranges Suicide Prevention Action Group (MRSPAG) volunteers Joel Moody, Marcus Ward and Gerry Leahy at the Mount Macedon Golf Club. (Damjan Janevski). 430872_01

Macedon Ranges Suicide Prevention Action Group (MRSPAG) will host a community event next month aimed at promoting men’s mental health and suicide prevention.

Titled Stand Together, the night-time event will be hosted at the Mount Macedon Golf Club and will involve a free barbecue, a talk offered by paralympic triathlete Liam Twomey, and an opportunity for men to share their experiences in a comfortable environment.

Receiving funding from Wesley LifeForce and the state health department, the event will address topics such as grief, loss, and mental wellness.

MRSPAG volunteer and peer support lead Noelene Ward said that in recognition of the benefits of peer support and community, the event aims to promote this kind of connection.

“We know how helpful it is when people share their experiences … this is trying to create a safe space for blokes to do that,” Ms Ward said.

She said that guest speaker Liam Twomey was invited to talk after he spoke at a previous MRSPAG event.

“His mental health journey is quite inspiring, and it stems from grief,” she said.

Ms Ward said that she hopes the event will promote a sense of community and the messages that “there are people out there who understand and are willing to help, and … there are ways to help each other.”

Attendees will receive brochures and fact sheets listing resources for mental health support and training opportunities and a gift bag.

The event will start at 6.30pm on Thursday, October 24 at the Mount Macedon Golf Club.


Oscar Parry