Have your say on government purchase of Hanging Rock east paddock

(Damjan Janevski)

Elsie Lange

The Victorian government has updated its offer to purchase the east paddock of Hanging Rock and Macedon Ranges council are inviting residents to provide feedback on the proposal.

According to a statement from council, the offer aligns with the state government’s 2018 election commitment to have the entirety of the Hanging Rock precinct under a single ownership.

Submissions by residents can be made via an online submission or at an in-person meeting on Thursday, May 12 where they can speak with councillors.

The paddock is zoned as a public park and recreation zone, which in the past has been used to host music events.

“Discussions with Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) have indicated that if the sale of the East Paddock proceeds, the land will still remain as public open space and able to continue to host a limited number of concerts and events,” council said.

“Council will still likely have an ongoing role in the operation of the site.”

Macedn Ranges mayor Jennifer Anderson said it was important for community to have their say regarding the proposed sale.

“Community consultation is an important step in facilitating public awareness and enabling public participation in Council’s decision making processes,” Cr Anderson said.

“We encourage members of the community to provide feedback on this proposal to ensure their voice is heard.”

Online submissions for community consultation will close on Friday, April 22, and a report containing the community feedback will be presented at a council meeting on May 25 for consideration.

Details: www.mrsc.vic.gov.au/About-Council/News/Have-Your-Say