Have a cuppa for cancer

Dianne Moon, Reverend Fa'amata'u Leota, Peter Canning, organiser Carol Simpson and Nancy Prewer are preparing for the Biggest Morning Tea on May 5. (Damjan Janevski) 402498_03

Surrounded by baked goods and fresh fruit, Sunbury resident Carol Simpson prepares to host her 14th Biggest Morning Tea.

This morning, amid the sifted flour and butter, will be replicated in thousands of homes, churches and halls throughout the country as Australians rally to raise money for cancer.

The official date of the Biggest Morning Tea is Thursday, May 23, but the events can be held anytime throughout May or June.

Ms Simpson will be hosting her morning tea at the St Andrew’s Uniting Church in Sunbury on Sunday, May 5, after 10.30am.

“Originally one of my family members had cancer … and I thought it might be nice to host the morning tea,” she said.

“I asked to have it in the church hall and that’s where I have it every year. The highlight is to know that you’re helping people with cancer.”

This year, Ms Simpson said she will be making a chocolate and sponge cake, and is expecting about 50 to 60 people at the morning tea.

“I have previously raised between $500 and 600, and we are hoping to raise about that much again … With the support of the congregation of St Andrew’s .

“Anyone is invited to St Andrew’s Uniting Church after 10.30am, Sunday, May 5, and they can donate if they want.”

Ms Simpson encouraged others to host a morning tea and said it can be held in homes, churches or local halls.

“I’d say do it, it’s a great charity and it would help people.”

Details: shorturl.at/hlrHK

Zoe Moffatt