Hanging Rock environmental exhibition

The exhibition features more than 240 entries from the single-use plastics art competition (Damjan Janevski). 347555_03

Macedon Ranges Hanging Rock Discovery Centre is exploring the impacts of single-use plastic in its latest exhibition.

The exhibition features more than 240 entries from the single-use plastics art competition, which took place in term one 2023.

Students from early learning, kindergarten, primary and secondary school were invited to compete in the competition to create an artwork that included single-use plastic to show the impact it has on the environment.

Macedon Ranges council mayor Annette Death said she encourages everyone to visit the exhibition, which conveys an important message about the environment.

“The number of entries we had for the single-use plastics art competition was amazing,” Cr Death said.

“It shows just how enthusiastic and aware our young people are about looking after the environment.

“Through their creations, our children are conveying a very important message for us all to be mindful of. We really need to be taking steps now to look after our future, and more importantly their future.

“I encourage you all to [view] the … exhibition and amazing artwork from the competition and learn more about steps we can all take to reduce our impact on the environment.”

Finalists from three age categories were shortlisted by a panel of the resource recovery and Hanging Rock reserve teams and the winners were judged by a panel of councillors.

The winners include Walert group from Swinburne Avenue Kindergarten, Liam from Macedon Ranges Montessori Pre-School, Molly from Riddells Creek Primary School, Owen from Bolinda Primary School, Emily from Hesket Primary School, Ella and Rebecca from Braemar College.

The exhibition is open seven days a week, 9am to 5pm, and will run until July 1, 2024.

Details: rb.gy/rl7e4

Zoe Moffatt