Grants available for Men’s Sheds

Carers and Volunteers Minister Ros Spence and Thomastown MP Bronwyn Halfpenny with members of the Lalor and District Men's Shed and Whittlesea U3A (Carina Blythe)

Men throughout Victoria have a reason to celebrate, with $860,000 worth of grants available to build new or upgrade existing Men’s Sheds.

Carers and Volunteers Minister Ros Spence visited Lalor and District Men’s Shed on Wednesday, August 7, to announce the 2024-25 Men’s Shed funding program grants, with sheds eligible to receive up to $100,000.

Lalor and District Men’s Shed received $31,253 last year and used the money to install a solar system and upgrade lighting, dust extraction and kitchen equipment to improve its financial and environmental sustainability.

Lalor and District Men’s Shed president Allan Carbis said the shed provides men with a place to socialise and meet new people.

“We are getting a lot of old men out of their houses and they’re talking because we’re basically a social club,” he said.

“It’s fine we make all this stuff and could sell it and make some money or give it away but it’s mainly designed to get older men socialising.

“That’s the central idea to get men out of their houses, get them off the couch and stop them watching the television and then they are here talking to other men that are the same sort of age.”

Ms Spence, said Men’s Sheds bring blokes together to talk about issues of common interest.

“Often men’s health issues come up and they feel that it’s a safe place to have those discussions,” she said.

“So there’s many social benefits of men’s sheds and supporting them to be able to encourage more people to come in is really beneficial.”

Applications for Men’s Shed Funding Program grants are open until October 16.
