The state government has announced a new action plan for empowering senior Victorians, including those in Sunbury and the Macedon Ranges.
Disability, Ageing and Carers Minister Colin Brooks launched the ‘Ageing Well in Victoria: An action plan for strengthening wellbeing for senior Victorians 2022-2026’ plan on Tuesday, informed by the lived experiences of more than 5000 Victorians and informed expertise.
“We are ensuring senior Victorians continue to be appreciated, respected and supported to live well later in life,” Mr Carbines said.
“Through the action plan, we will support all Victorians to age well, participate and contribute to their communities and live healthy, active and purposeful lives.
“I would like to thank the Commissioner for Senior Victorians, members of the Senior Victorians Advisory Group and all older Victorians who contributed their experiences and voices to the action plan.”
A government statement said Victoria’s older population is growing faster than other age groups, projected to increase by 60 per cent by 2046.
According to the government, the plan will tackle priority issues faced by seniors, including social connection, digital inclusion, health self-care, wellbeing and respect.
“The plan will be implemented in partnership with community organisations, peak bodies, local government and government services,” the government said.
To read the Ageing well in Victoria action plan, visit