Go ahead for GP grants


Tthe federal government will be strengthening Medicare through the general practice (GP) grants program, McEwen MP Rob Mitchell has announced.

The grants program will be available for all GPs and eligible Aboriginal community controlled health organisations (ACCHOs) to improve services and expand patient access.

Mr Mitchell said the government recognises the hard work of GPs and these grants will provide a much needed boost for practices across Australia.

“After a decade of cuts and neglect from the former government, [we are] committed to strengthening Medicare and boosting general practice,” Mr Mitchell said.

“Getting access to health care is at the top of the list of concerns when I talk to locals in our community of McEwen.”

“This funding will help improve practices and make sure Australians can access safe, quality and affordable healthcare when and where they need it.”

The grants will be dependent on the size of the practice, with smaller practices eligible for $25,000 or $35,000 grants and larger practices eligible for $50,000 grants, while $25,000 grants will be available for practices and ACCHOs not accredited against the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) standards.

Letters will be sent out in the coming weeks directly to McEwen practices inviting them to participate in the program.

The grants will be available for investments in three streams, including; digital health capability, infection prevention and control arrangements, and maintain and/or achieve accreditation against the RACGP.

Zoe Moffatt