Gisborne’s high achievers

Gisborne Secondary College dux proximus Abbey Holburt (supplied).

When the results came out on Monday morning, tears were flowing in Gisborne, along with the feelings of relief and accomplishment.

The title of Gisborne Secondary College 2023 dux was awarded to Rue Kelly with an ATAR of 96.75, and Abbey Holburt claimed the title of dux proximus after achieving an ATAR of 92.5.

Rue studied English, maths methods, Indonesian with the Victorian School of Languages and Psychology, and she completed business management and psychology last year.

Rue said when she opened her results she felt a sense of relief at the official closing of a chapter.

“I’m excited for change and new beginnings,” she said. “Without a doubt self drive and consistency were the key players in the results I achieved.

“My advice to the class of 2024 is to show up for yourself every single day [to ensure] this time next year you can take pride in knowing you gave it your all.”

Rue said next year she is planning on studying commerce and Indonesian.

Abbey studied art making an exhibiting, visual communications, general maths, English literature and psychology, and is hoping to work in graphic design or marketing after university.

“I got up 10 mins early just to prepare myself, and when I found out I just cried,” Abbey said.

“Being able to say that I finished it and survived it was a highlight.

“It was lots of excitement, relief and accomplishment. The year definitely challenged me and was hectic at times but it was definitely a fun year overall.

“I’m hoping to get into a communications design course at RMIT or any pathway into the creative industry. I’ve always loved art and design so I would love to make that my career.

“Despite being a lot of work, the creative subjects [during year 12] were the funnest.”

Abbey said her advice to any future year 12 students is for them to believe in themselves and their work throughout the year.

Zoe Moffatt