Sunbury and Macedon Ranges women will gather for Girls’ Night Ins this month to raise funds and awareness for breast and gynaecological cancers.
Gisborne mother Vanessa Harris is organising a Macedon Ranges event as part of the Cancer Council campaign for the second year in a row.
“Every year it seems I am having a friend or acquaintance diagnosed with cancer,” the mother-of-two said.
Mrs Harris said she felt she couldn’t ease her friends’ battles with cancer, but fundraising was a way she could contribute to fighting the disease.
On Friday, October 27, Mrs Harris will host a clothes swap, nibbles, drinks, silent auction and pampering night at Gisborne Business Centre to raise funds for the Cancer Council.
Local businesses have donated prizes and products in support of the evening.
Last year’s event raised almost $2000 and they hope to raise more this year.
To register for the event or to donate, visit: bit.ly/2jXTZHc
In Sunbury, Kristine Green is co-ordinating a Girls Night In Fashion Parade on Wednesday, October 11, from 7.30pm at St Mary’s Parish Hall. Tickets are $10 and include a glass of bubbly and supper. For tickets contact Kristine on 9740 5547.