Further parking restrictions proposed for Sunbury CBD

Further parking restrictions are proposed for Sunbury CBD as Hume council tries to tackle traffic problems.

The council is proposing to restrict fifteen existing one and two-hour parking spaces on Evans and O’Shanassy streets to 30 minutes between 9am and 5pm on weekdays and 9am and noon on Saturdays.

Reducing eight currently unrestricted parking spaces on Barkly Street and Macedon Street service road to two hours from 9am to 5pm on weekdays and on Saturday mornings has also been suggested.

A three-hour maximum is proposed for two currently unrestricted disabled parks.

The council is taking feedback on these proposals as part of a traffic management study.

Sunbury Business Association treasurer Sylvia Unferdorben told Star Weekly she would be advising the council that the suggested restrictions were “just ridiculous”.

“We need fewer parking restrictions – not more,” Ms Unferdorben said.

“We need people to park and go for a shop and experience the town – and they can’t do that in 30 minutes. Again, we’re just driving them back to bigger shopping centres where they can park all day.”

Narrowing through lanes and lengthening existing parking spaces on Brook and Evans streets to reduce conflict between reversing vehicles and through traffic are also being suggested in the Proposed Traffic Management Plan.

Hume council will run a public information and consultation session to discuss the traffic plan on Tuesday, January 30, between 6pm and 7pm at Sunbury Memorial Hall, Stawell Street.

Feedback is also being taken online at hume.vic.gov.au.