Fueling good behaviour

Council will prepare a report into the program's feasibility.

Zoe Moffatt

For most drivers being pulled over by the police does not result in a pat on the back or reward of a fuel voucher for good behaviour.

However this may soon change for Hume residents under a council-proposed reward and recognition program.

Councillor Jack Medcraft is driving the proposal and raised a notice of motion on August 14, for council to investigate the feasibility and merit of a council-led, safe driver reward and recognition program.

“What I propose here is we give the police… 100 fuel vouchers to give out to drivers … as they’re driving for good driving performance,” Cr Medcraft said.

“It’s going to be quite funny … when some of the young ones get pulled up … and [police say] you used your indicator, you stuck in the left lane, you drove well, here’s a $50 voucher.

“We’ve had discussions with police over the rising road toll and bad driving habits that we’ve seen.”

Sunbury Residents Association (SBA) president Graham Williams said the motion raises some questions but the SBA looks forward to seeing the full report.

“We cannot see where obeying the road laws in the normal course of driving requires a reward,” Mr Williams said. “It would also raise questions about where the Police resources are allocated.”

At the meeting, Cr Naim Kurt supported the motion but questioned the role of the police in the program and said it is probably better the state government rolls out a program like this.

“Police forces at the moment are really overwhelmed … overworked … [and] overstretched,” Cr Kurt said.

“I don’t know whether they’ve got the capacity to go out and be giving vouchers to people whilst we’re also expecting them to follow up the crime issues as well.

“If this was to be a program … it’s probably better [the state government] foot something like this … but I like the idea of it and seeing what we can do to reward safe drivers.”

Council will prepare a report into the program’s feasibility, as well as costs and possible funding pathways at the next council meeting, which is set to take place on August 28.

Victoria Police said they are aware of the proposal but would not comment at this time.