Feedback sought on town centre plans


Jessica Micallef

Macedon Ranges council is encouraging local landowners, business operators, residents and visitors to hare their views on ways to improve access, safety and streetscapes in the Kyneton town centre.

The Kyneton Town Centre Urban Design Framework (UDF) will provide urban design direction for Kyneton’s streetscapes, public open spaces and buildings, focused on the three main commercial streets – Mollison, High and Piper streets.

The first round of consultation for the UDF will run until February 26, with summary information delivered on the project to date and an online survey available for public comment.

Macedon Ranges mayor Jennifer Anderson said consultation for the UDF will check if issues raised in previous consultations in recent years still reflect the community’s future priorities.

“We will be consulting in multiple stages during this project over 2021 to ensure that we capture the community’s vision for the town centre,” she said.

“As part of the first stage, we would like to know how people use the town centre, what they value most about how the streets look and fell and what could be improved.

“This will help guide the look and feel of Kyneton into the future.”

The council’s planning and environment director Angela Hughes said the council’s strategic team will be contacting landowners and business operators in the UDF study area to encourage their participation in various consultation activities including face-to-face meetings and drop in sessions.

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