Feedback requested

Macedon Ranges council is seeking public feedback (Damjan Janevski). 322848_01

Macedon Ranges council is seeking public feedback on the community equestrian facilities plan and the Woodend racecourse reserve master plan.

In an announcement on May 9, council said both plans are in the first stage of a two-stage consultation process with feedback accepted until Sunday, May 28.

Council’s director assets and operations Shane Walden said feedback on the plans’ development would be invaluable to help make the plans representative and supportive.

“Whether you’re a member of one of the clubs or groups involved or just an occasional recreational participant, we appreciate your feedback,” Mr Walden said.

“This will not be the only opportunity to provide feedback, [as] we plan to consult again once we have draft plans formed, before finalising the strategy and master plan.”

The equestrian facilities plan is co-funded with the state government to assist council’s planning for future equestrian facilities within the Macedon Ranges.

There are a range of operating clubs, including in; Bullengarook, Gisborne, Macedon, Kyneton, Woodend, Lancefield and Riddells Creek.

The Woodend’s racecourse reserve was previously a racecourse and home to scouts and little athletics.

The reserve is now home to the Woodend Pony Club, Riddells Creek Adult Riders Club, Hanging Rock and Woodend Petanque Club, and is used by the Woodend Junior Football Club and Woodend Hesket Football Netball Club.

An online survey for both plans will be open until 5pm on Sunday, May 28, with initial feedback helping to inform draft plans that will go out for public consultation again later in the year.


Zoe Moffatt