Extension requested for 14 dwelling development

Elsie Lange

The construction timeframe of 14 double-storey dwellings on Davy Street in Woodend has been blown out by costs, ownership changes, worker shortages and weather, with developers requesting a two year extension from Macedon Ranges council to complete the works.

At a planning meeting on February 8, council heard from applicant Stephen Bitmead, who said the weather had forced the commencement of works to be postponed because the site was too wet.

This included the realigning of the the sewer and construction of the pad. He said while workers couldn’t begin on the site, preparatory work was undertaken, including contract signings, fee proposals and site clearing.

“Given the wetness of the site, it became obvious we would not complete the approved development within that time frame … we are all ready to go, we just need a clear run in terms of weather,” Mr Bitmead said.

“It became obvious that was not going to be possible within the time frame. We worked up to the expiry of the permit, no further work has been undertaken while we sought resolution of the extension of time.”

He said he had to advise the committee that an application to review council’s failure to make a decision on the extension within a timeframe “had been launched” through the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT).

“We didn’t want to do it but we had to because we have contractual obligations that are fast approaching us,” he said.

“We needed a speedy resolution to this matter, if not through council then through VCAT and we’re hoping council sees the merit of granting further extension.

“Then we can advise VCAT… we can vacate the hearing and get on with the development.”

Council will consider Mr Bitmead’s submission with officers to prepare a recommendation for consideration and determination at the next planning meeting on March 8, 2023.