Export excellence awarded


The state’s top exporters were celebrated at the Governor of Victoria Export Awards last week.

Fourteen businesses were honoured at the awards, including advanced technology company PMY Group, which provides technology infrastructure for live sport, entertainment and the leisure sector, who took out both the Victorian Exporter of the Year and Advanced Technologies awards.

Founder of The Paw Grocer Jenny Richards received the Global Victoria Women’s Award for her achievements in growing her small business into a global brand, with the company now exporting to the Middle East, Hong Kong and Singapore.

Economic Growth Minister Tim Pallas hailed the winners.

“Our 2024 winners and finalists showcase the quality of Victoria’s homegrown products and services that are providing solutions to real world problems,” Mr Pallas said.

“Victorian businesses are leading the way and exporting their innovations to the world – creating local jobs and driving economic growth in the process.”

The state awards form part of the Australian Export Awards, with Victorian winners qualifying for consideration at the national awards in November.

For a full list of the winners, visit global.vic.gov.au.