Early budget ideas call

Macedon Ranges council is calling for early 2023-23 budget ideas, putting out a preliminary call to the community for wide-ranging input to help shape the forthcoming financial plan.

Council said the process will in addition to the regular budget consultation period, to take place in April or May next year.

Mayor Jennifer Anderson said it was a great opportunity for the community to have their ideas heard.

“It’s really important that the community is able to be involved in the budget process so that we can make sure what we are delivering is relevant and meaningful,” Cr Anderson said.

“We have opened submissions earlier this year to allow sufficient time to consider more ideas the community may have.

“I encourage anybody with an idea they think ties in with our council plan and fits the needs of our community to make sure they get their submission in for consideration.”

Council said the budget would work to strike a balance between “providing essential services, maintaining public infrastructure and supporting our communities to recover from the impacts of the pandemic”.

“If you are an individual, local community group or committee of management with a project or program that aligns to our council plan and community vision then we would like to hear from you. By providing a submission your idea can be assessed by council as part of its 2023-24 budget process,” council said.