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Major Road Projects Victoria at Sunningdale Avenue Children’s Centre in Goonawarra (supplied).

More Sunbury kids have learnt about the importance of community road networks through Major Road Projects Victoria education sessions.

The Sunbury Road Upgrade recently helped local preschoolers slip into high-vis vests, and put on their small hard hats, as part of organised play and indoor learning session about roads in the community.

Sunbury MP Josh Bull joined local preschoolers, educators and Sunbury Road Upgrade team at Sunningdale Avenue Children’s Centre in Goonawarra, helping add a touch of fun and education about the vital works.

Major Road Projects Victoria senior project manager Alec Say said they are thrilled to provide the program which explains how the works keep residents connected.

“We are delivering these high-quality early years engagement sessions so that all kids… can learn about how the works happening in their area make a difference,” Mr Say said.

“We’re thrilled to provide Sunbury with high quality programs like this for our youngest community members, giving our children a chance to have fun and learn about road construction.”

Sunningdale Avenue Children’s Centre team leader Cristina Diamante agreed and said the sessions also relate to the school curriculum.

“Road upgrades are happening across our community and it’s important for kids to learn how they are making a difference and why they are important,” Ms Diamante said.

“The kinder session … was aligned and related to the school curriculum of getting the kids to understand how these roads connect them to their family, community and essential services.”

The preschoolers enjoyed more than an hour of construction-themed activities where they dressed up in PPE to conduct a construction investigation seek-and-find game.

This was followed by a collaborative activity where they built connections out of the blue foam building blocks to generate discussion about how roads connect the community.

At the end of the visit, the project team gave each child an activity take-home pack as a special memento of the day.

Once the upgrade is complete, drivers will be able to enjoy safer and easier trips to Sunningdale Children’s Centre, with direct access to an additional lane in each direction on Sunbury Road.