Dinosaurs ride free

Bulla Hill Miniature Railway volunteers Brian Parkinson, Kris Siderov, and Ronald Goold (Damjan Janevski) 418028_01

Bulla Hill Miniature Railway is hosting a bring your dinosaur along day featuring an animatronic dinosaur and a pre-loved toy sale.

Run by a team of volunteers, the Bulla Hill Miniature Railway takes passengers for a ride through parkland scattered with large dinosaur statues, including brachiosauruses, diplodocuses, and triceratopses.

At its Bring your Dinosaur Along Day, passengers are encouraged to bring along their own dinosaur toys for the ride.

On the day, the organisation will unveil a new addition to its pack of Jurassic reptiles – an animatronic, one-metre tall dinosaur.

Bulla Hill Miniature Railway acting secretary Brian Parkinson said the team of volunteers are passionate about providing a great day out for children.

“All the people are volunteers, all are there for different reasons, but we all come together once a month just to have a ball with kids,” Mr Parkinson said.

Bring your dinosaur along day will be held on Sunday, July 21, at Bulla Hill Railway in Bulla.

Tickets can be bought on-site, and train rides will run from 11am–4pm, with the last train leaving the station at 3.45pm.

Details: bullahillrailway.org.au

Oscar Parry