Diggers Rest Rec Reserve to be ready by summer

Melton mayor Lara Carli and MP Josh Bull at the site of the new Diggers Rest Recreation Reserve. (Provided).

Liam McNally

Sunbury MP Josh Bull and Melton Mayor Lara Carli toured the ongoing upgrade works at Diggers Rest Recreation Reserve which hit a major new milestone last week.

Steel framework and turf were laid last week with the new pavilion due to be completed before summer.

The project commenced in 2021, and by the end of 2023, Diggers Rest Recreation Reserve will have a new multipurpose community pavilion, a redeveloped oval, new cricket nets, electronic scoreboard, more car parking and new access road.

The new pavilion will be a hub for the Diggers Rest community and fast-growing local sporting clubs, it will be centrally located at the reserve and will replace three aged buildings that are no longer fit for purpose.

Council has invested $8.2 million in delivering these upgrades, supported by an additional $4.1 million contribution from the state Government.

Sunbury MP Josh Bull said the upgrade is a “fantastic” project for the Diggers Rest community.

“The two-storey building and realigned second oval will provide players and spectators first class facilities which they rightfully deserve,” he said.

“I look forward to this project being delivered for the betterment of Diggers Rest and the wider community.”

Melton Mayor Lara Carli said community sports is “such an important part of our lives”.

“Good local community infrastructure delivers what our community needs to stay active and connected,” she said.

“Council is making sure this project is delivered as fast as possible while ensuring a safe worksite and a quality and sustainable build.”